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Professional astrologer Stefanie James explores various aspects of astrology from the basics and up to intermediate and advanced subjects and techniques.

Typical areas of discussion will be various modern, psychological and traditional astrological techniques, current astro-weather, notable points in history, interviews, and natal chart analysis including the charts of listeners.

Stefanie is a Professional Astrologer with an international client base, Reiki Master, published writer and former Horoscope Columnist for ELLE Magazine.

Jan 28, 2022

In this week’s episode I talk about aspects at the request of one of my Patterns who asked the following question:

“Your pod and the drawing on how to think about aspects was very helpful, however, I find myself lost regarding what planet is affecting the other. In a regular horoscope, like for instance, January 5th, retrograde Venus will be sextiling Neptune.  Got it.  But, is it the faster planet (Venus) bringing something to Neptune or is it Neptune affecting Venus in Venus' transit?”

It's a fair point which deserves addressing!

Also mentioned in this episode:

Johnny Depp


Sex in the Forbidden Zone

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