Some time ago I mentioned to friends of mine that I’d been thinking of releasing a podcast. I didn’t know how I wanted to structure it, I just wanted to talk about astrology! Believe it or not, I actually finalised my podcast cover image and recorded the first episode a year before the 2020 launch, but got carried away pouring all my energy into writing articles and horoscopes for ELLE and my website. All it took was the final Capricorn eclipse of 2020, plus the heavy Capricorn stellium retrograding back toward my Sun, to deliver an over-sized (but much needed) boot to my derrière.
Typical areas of discussion:
Release day
UTC/GMT: Friday mornings at 5am Convert to your timezone
Learn Astrology
I really wanted the podcast to be inclusive, so decided to start at the beginning and work upwards. This means I’ll be focussing on the building blocks of astrology, and graduating towards to more advanced subjects and techniques for more experienced astrologers.
Get Involved
This is a listener-led project as I invite my subscribers to have their charts featured on The Stellium Astrology Podcast. To do this, subscribe to the mailing list and complete the application form.