Feb 2, 2024
Something I’ve wanted to explore on this show for a very long time is a popular predictive technique called Secondary Progressions.
I’ve always been intrigued but have spent most of my time focussing on other techniques because they came more naturally to me.
So I decided to get my friend and astrological colleague, Fernanda Paiva, on the show to talk about this incredible predictive technique, while sharing the knowledge with you, too!
Two phrases Fernanda used which were particularly evocative were “mining for meaning” and “the inward-facing eye” to describe the function and application of this fascinating topic.
Have you used secondary progressions before and did you find them insightful?
How did you apply them to your own chart and learning process?
Tell me in the comments!
00:03 Intro
05:15 Secondary Progressions
08:21 Solar Arc vs SP
15:52 Progressed Lunar Return / Saturn Return
24:59 Progressed New Moon
33:38 Relationships/Synastry
42:31 SP in the 1st year of life
47:07 SP & Personal Planets
49:15 SP & Retrogrades
Watch this episode https://youtu.be/AJeC_7SYaVA
Part 1 of Analysis, Imagination & Spotting Chart Themes with
Fernanda Paiva https://youtu.be/Ph2oJ_F6GUc
PART 2 of Analysis, Imagination & Spotting Chart Themes with
Fernanda Paiva https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreons-only-2-53798821?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
EP068 Frank C Clifford On Nailing Precise Forecasting with Solar
Arc Pt 1 https://youtu.be/ZBA9cmq9xUg
EP068 Astrologer Frank C Clifford Teaches Precise Forecasting with
Solar Arc Directions Part 2 https://youtu.be/R4H3ws-zgWY
Fernanda’s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@hitchhikingstars
📍Everything you need to know is here: https://www.stelliumastrology.com/links/
Fernanda’s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@hitchhikingstars
Hitchhiking Stars by Fernanda Paiva https://www.fernandapaiva.co/
Website: www.fernandapaiva.co
Instagram: @hitchiking_stars
Facebook: @hitchhikingstars
Twitter: @hitchhikingstar
YouTube @hitchhikingstars
Fernanda Paiva is a teacher and practicing astrologer, with a certificate from the London School of Astrology, a BA. in History, and the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. She has been published by Flare UK, IAM Infinity magazine, the AA Journal and at the astrodienst website, amongst others. Fernanda is originally from Brazil but has been living in the UK for the past 15 years.